﴿ إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ ﴾
It is You we worship and You we ask for help. (Quran 1:5)
Every time you stand in prayer in
front of Allah, you make a statement at least 17 times a day that you worship
Him, and He is your only source of help. The root of your belief verifies that
you worship none but Allah, and Mohamed (PBUH) is His messenger. Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) was sent to the Muslim
nation to call for worshiping Allah alone, hence we were created for this
purpose and brought to life to worship Allah.
Therefore, by declaring that you worship Him, your chief goal in life is
to please your Creator, satisfy Him, and everything you do in the world is for
His sake. Consequently, the only way to fulfill
your aim of worshiping Allah is to seek His help. You are not alone in this world, at times of
anxiety, stress, struggle, or even during simple matters; you will always need
a helping hand. At all times, your Creator is watching over you and providing
you with the help you need, occasionally Allah will send you help through other
people, but at all times He is the One helping you. Giving you the aid and
assistance you require. Everything in your life is written by Him and
everything is in His hands, thus ask Him and only Him for help, for nothing is
impossible for Allah. Next time you
pray, reflect, purify your heart, and renew your intentions so that your entire
life is sincerely for Him. By worshiping Him because you believe in Him and
love Him truly, you will focus only on Him and ask for His help only. (Al-Kharraz, pg 18-19)
Image courtesy of @tazawadoo |
﴿ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اسْتَعِينُوا بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلَاةِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ ﴾
O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient. (Quran2:153)
Granted that it is He we ask for help,
we must be well aware of how to seek help from Allah. How do we make the
request from Him to provide us with the support we are at the mercy of? We
believe in Him, our faith inclines us to worship Him, seek Him, and depend on
Him. Therefore, we demonstrate or reliance on Him by means of patience and
Patience by definition is the
ability to not only tolerate but accept any form of suffering, whether it is
pain, a challenge, or perhaps a difficult situation. Patience is a form of
acceptance; it shows that you accept whatsoever He has written for you, good or
bad. Acceptance shows that you trust Him, that you believe in Him, that even if
it seems that the entire world has turned against you, He is by your side and
life will smile at you eventually. Patience is the key to happiness, as long as
you firmly believe in Allah and are optimistic of what is yet to come, then
wait, wait patiently, wait quietly, and wait peacefully. Above all, your
patience and acceptance of His decree proves that you are vulnerable without
His help and that you trust that He will give you the support you need. After
all, as long as you are patient, He is with you, and what more do you need than
Him to be by your side.
Furthermore, we ask Allah for
help through the most fundamental means of worship, through prayer. We stand in
front of Him five times a day to put the world, our life, people, worries, and
everything behind us to meet with Him. Prayer, it’s your daily appointment that
comes at different times of the day to take a break, turn your back on the
world, and seclude yourself with Him alone. It is the time of day when you
focus on Him, to demonstrate your obedience to Him, to worship Him, to thank
Him, to plead to Him, to bond with Him, and most prominently, to fortify your
relationship with Him. When you stand there accompanied by Him and perform the
various rituals of prayer you are forming a physical and spiritual connection
with your Lord. Prayer is an incredible form of worship yet many of us fail to
realize how precious it is. Prayer is phenomenal in so many different ways, it
provides us with stability in our life, it gives us the ability to fight
anxiety, it furnishes us with the willpower to resolve our difficulties and
face our hardships (Al-Qarni, pg 171). Never take prayer for granted, it should
never be considered another errand in the midst of your busy day. Your daily
appointments with Allah are meetings that furnish you with love from your
Creator, with inner peace, with comfort that He is with you and you are not
alone, and help that will keep you going in life.
Image courtesy of @tazawadoo |
﴿ بَلِ اللَّهُ مَوْلَاكُمْ ۖ وَهُوَ خَيْرُ النَّاصِرِينَ ﴾
But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers. (Quran 3:150)
Allah has created you. He brought
you into this world for a determined purpose, and He will take you back when
you have accomplished your mission. He did not create you to hurt you and
whatever harm that befalls on you in this life only takes place to repair your
soul and make you a stronger person. Consequently, He will protect you, He will
protect you from people who are out to get you, He will protect you from any
catastrophe that will put you down, He will protect you from any obstacle that
stands in your way, and He will protect you from any sorrow that will injure your
heart. Embrace His protection and move on; find your purpose, work towards your
goals, achieve your dreams, and keep in mind that He is with you at all times.
Furthermore, maintain your relationship with your Lord and bear in mind to seek
His help at all times. Appeal to His help not only at times of struggle and
difficulty, but also at times of stability, and He will provide you with what
you call for. He will provide you with the ability to continuously grow and
achieve more, He will shine light on a solution to your dilemma, He will
relieve you from any distress, and most importantly He will give you with the
support you need to stand up and face this world with all that it beholds. Above
all, His Help will equip you with the wisdom to be knowledgeable of the world
around you, justice to do what is right, and most importantly with His mercy
that will furnish your heart with inner peace that will soothe your soul. Nevertheless,
recognize your Lord as your optimum source of help and He will definitely take
very good care of you.
Image courtesy of @tazawadoo |
Al-Kharraz, Mishari. Love of Allah: Experience the Beauty of
Salah (Part I). www.quranproject.org
International Islamic Publishing House.
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