Keep your Expectations High

﴿ فَمَا ظَنُّكُم بِرَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

Then what is your thought about the Lord of the worlds? (Quran 37:87)

Why is it that we always assume the worst? Why is it that we have such low expectations of the future? Constantly worrying about tomorrow, anxiously wondering how things will work out, always afraid of the nightmare that awaits us. The world around us holds a plethora of distractions, all of which have seemed to have taken over our thoughts and assured us that no matter what happens we are bound to fail. Success is seemingly unattainable, our dreams will eventually be crushed into pieces, we are not worthy of happiness, and only devastation lies ahead.  

We have become so busy with our lives, preoccupied with the world we live in, dependent of the people surrounding us that we have forgotten to lay our trust entirely in the One Who has complete control of our life. Our doubt in the future could potentially indicate that our faith in Allah and His decree is tapering. This lack of faith has forced us to become the victims of Satan’s mischief. We have allowed him to enter into our minds and point our thoughts into one direction, poverty (Quran 2:268). Consequently being fearful of tomorrow, anxious of the world ahead, and predominantly being pessimistic about life as a whole.  Satan’s manipulation of our thoughts has ultimately influenced us to mistrust our future and live a life full of worry and absolutely no hope. We cannot go on like this. This life was never meant for constant tension, indeed it is full of challenges and struggles, however the most suitable way to deal with life is to draw yourself closer to your Lord, and restore your faith in Him. Believing in Allah and submitting your faith in Him allows you to live this life with relief, being sure that He is by your side at all times. Therefore, it is imperative that we trust our Lord and have faith that as long as our matters in His hands, we are unquestionably going to be okay. 

But, what if? What if it just doesn’t work out? The only way to eliminate these restless thoughts from our head is to raise our expectations in Allah’s decree. 

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Allah said, 'I am to my slave as he thinks of Me.”[1] 

Getting rid of anxiety and worry is simple, be hopeful of your Lord, optimistic of His decree, and most importantly trust Him. Trust that He knows what is best for you, trust that your happiness is His priority, and trust that He loves you. If you think of your Lord as the One who will grant you peace, mercy, and happiness, then He will surely provide you with greatness. Your Creator loves you more than anyone on earth and He will never hurt you. Have faith in your lord, have hope that tomorrow He will grant you peace, and never ever despair in His mercy. 

Your Lord is the Creator of all things, the Maker of order, the Giver of all. Everything in your life will occur to preordainment, and when the time is most suitable He will provide you with what you are in deep need of. Your dreams will only come true at the time you are in desperate need of it, so that when He fulfills your dreams, you will truly appreciate it, and most importantly appreciate His generosity and His presence in your life.  Wait patiently for a happy outcome, for waiting patiently one of the best forms of worship [2].  “Tomorrow is from the world of unseen, a bridge we do not cross until it comes” [3]. Then, why should we worry about crossing the bridge if we are certain that Allah has placed greatness for us at the end? 

This life is short, and we will regret wasting our entire lives being worried, fearful, and anxious. It is time to change our outlooks on life, live life more appropriately, enjoy it for what it beholds. Believe in Allah, have faith in His mercy, have hope in His decree, trust that He is the Preventer of harm, call upon Him at times of need, be patient, and play your part by fulfilling your duties towards Him. As long as you hold onto your Lord, you are in the safest place there can possibly be. And later on in life, you will be grateful for every single thing that happened to you, whether it may have been the toughest times of your life, or the best. Because one day, the storm will pass, the clouds will take on, and the sun will shine bright. And as for your dreams, as long as you have faith in Him, certainly your dreams will come true because, “When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, "Be," and it is.” (Quran 2:117)

Image courtesy of @tazawadoo

[1] Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Allah said, 'I am to my slave as he thinks of Me, (i.e. I am able to do for him what he thinks I can do for him). (Sahih al-Bukhari 7505. Book 97, Hadith 130)

[2] Al-Qarni, A'id. (2003). Don’t Be Sad. (pp.104). International Islamic Publishing House.

[3] Al-Qarni, A'id. (2003). Don’t Be Sad. (pp.65).  International Islamic Publishing House.

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