﴿... وَاسْجُدْ وَاقْتَرِب ﴾
… But prostrate and draw near [to Allah]. (Quran 96:19)
Allah is everywhere, He is
surrounding you in every moment, every circumstance, every smile, every tear,
and He is with you wherever you are. What about when we want some time alone
with Him? When we want to get closer to Him? When we want to sacredly connect
with Him in the most revered manner? The divine destination where you can be
closest to Him in absolute seclusion is down on the ground in prostration, sujood.
In sujood, you lower yourself down to the base of the earth, place your palms
down, press your knees into the floor, rest your forehead, and embrace Him, as
you release all that is in your heart, in the closest position to Him. Down there,
let it all go, empty your heart, discover the peace your heart is aching for,
and pray, pray for you are in the best position to pray [1].
Whisper your prayers down into the ground at the bottom of the earth and your
voice will be heard at the peak of the sky, up in the heavens. He will listen
to you, for at this instant you are nearest to Him and no one can hear you but
Him. Supplicate your Lord and pour your heart out. Thank Him, thank Him for the
endless blessings He has bestowed upon you; your family, friends, health,
education, and for the countless blessings in your life. Thank Him for His
presence in your life and show Him that you appreciate that He is your Lord.
Ask Him for forgiveness, to forgive you for being disobedient, for not
fulfilling all your duties, for displeasing Him, for not being fully righteous.
Ask Him to cure your heart, to heal your pain, to relieve your discomfort, to
ease your worries, to give you inner peace. Ask Him to guide you to what is
best for you, for His help, for the support you need to keep you going, to help
you find all that is lost.
Down there in prostration let your tears pour like
heavy rain and let it wash your heart and cleanse it from all the impurities
that have damaged your soul. Purify your heart and relief your distress and
draw nearer to your Lord and He will provide you with the love you need to live
blissfully. Down there on the ground it’s just you and Him; you whisper, He
hears, you cry, He wipes your tears, you ask, He gives, you call for peace, and
He cures.
Image courtesy of @tazawadoo |
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "The closest that a person can
be to his Lord, the Mighty and Sublime, is when he is prostrating, so increase
in supplication then." (Sunan an-Nasa'i 1137. Book 12, Hadith 109)
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