From Him

 بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Life is equally made of both wonderful and unbearable moments. Enduring these moments is no easy task without inner peace to keep us resilient. To be guided to peace begins with opening up the book of Allah with an open heart and reading His words. There are approximately 6000 verses in the Book of Allah which call upon the believer with a message, reminder, or perhaps a hint. All of which are there to be applied to our daily lives. The Quran in itself exists as an instructions guide to life. The verses in the Quran are meant for understanding (Quran 47:24), comprehension, and contemplation; an entire ocean’s depth of meaning beyond the words on each page. These verses are Allah’s answers to our questions, Allah’s advice at times of disorder, Allah’s words of relief; Allah’s healing to the pain that has shriveled our hearts, and Allah’s mercy when desperate for peace. 

The Quran, a treasure that has been looked over by so many, was never meant to be a burden (Quran 20:2). Rather, it is meant to lead us onto the straight path and help us achieve the harmony our hearts so desperately yearn for. By accepting the Quran as the manual to live by, and studying the instructions within it, we ultimately give life to our faith (Quran 42:52), and sacredly enlighten the darkness that clouds over our lives (Quran 57:9) through the messages He has communicated to us. By recognizing the  extraordinary value of the Quran and accepting it as the handbook to life we will bring ourselves closer to our Creator and realize the true meaning of being a Muslim; a believer of Him. As long as we firmly believe in Him, we will be able to establish trust and true happiness knowing that He is by our side during every moment of our lives. By studying the Quran, we can come to realize that the Quran becomes the believer’s” rope to hold on to” (Quran 3:103) that serves as a beacon of hope and direction to follow. By reading it meaningfully, understanding it, reflecting upon it, and incorporating the messages Allah communicates to us into our lives, we will come to realize how much easier this life is as we take in the hope, strength, and peace He has provided us with.

Open up His book and read. Read and find what you have lost. Read and find your inner self. Read and understand the real meaning of this life. Read until you find Him calling your name through the verses that were revealed down to you and the entire nation. Read and recognize all of the blessings in your life that are from Him. Perhaps the most significant of those blessings from Him is hope; the hope that gives us strength to constantly move forward. 

From Him we are guided. From Him we find peace.

Image courtesy of @tazawadoo

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